We’ve talked about the issue of motion sickness before. Yesterday, iOS 7.0.3 was released with a load of features, and one of them is the powerful setting for ‘reduce motion’, better than what was offered in the previous and initial version of iOS 7.

In the former versions, users had to go to Settings > General > Accessibility to reduce the motion, but that didn’t do too much. However, with the release of iOS 7.0.3, the motion reducing setting has seen a significant improvement so users who suffered from the parallax effects and animation would now feel better.

As it becomes evident from the video, the effects are quite different than they were in previous versions. The axis (Z) zooming that have been cherished on the iOS 7 are being reduced and translate into fade out and in when the reduce motion setting is used.

The previous setting was mostly focused on making the parallax effect les evident on the background of the Home Screen, but didn’t do anything for general animations like the latest one does.

We only suggest that you take advantage of this enhanced reduced motion setting option only if you suffer from motion sickness. If you don’t, there’s no need to do anything.


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