Yesterday it was a big day and probably the best present the hackers can give to their lovely users..Yesterday Eva3drs team has released Evasi0n7 Untethered jailbreak for all the devices running on iOS 7.0 through 7.0.4..

Most of you probably didn’t think they will see iOS 7 untethered jailbreak coming so fast, and it was like a surprise for many people.. But here we are and everything is almost fine for many users who already jailbroken their devices running on iOS 7..

It would be a kind of you, if you left your vote below.. All what you have to do is just clicking on any of the votes below, so that we can know how many people have jailbroken their devices: 

Now and you’ve done voting, we would like to give you a group of articles for people who missed some important posts like the jailbreak guide, Evasi0n7 problems and solutions post and more….

  More Evasi0n7 Coverage


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