So what does Substrate Safe Mode do for my device ? Safe Mode is what prevents your device from entering a permanent crash cycle by giving you a chance to uninstall problematic packages. And until now, it wasn’t behaving nicely with the Mobile Substrate update…
Here’s the description of Safe Mode in Cydia:
“Safe mode is a feature of MobileSubstrate that prevents your device from entering a permanent crash cycle by giving you a chance to uninstall malfunctioning extensions without a complete device restore.â€
Saurik notes that “As of version 0.9.4000 this package is even safer on iOS 7 (and on ARM64).†This is a very good news for users who own A7 devices.
Whether you were having problems or not, I’d recommend updating to the new Substrate Safe Mode. As usual, you should see it listed at the top of the ‘Changes’ section in Cydia.