And here’s quote, translated through FrAndroid:
We cannot guarantee that Android is designed to be safe as the platform was designed to give more freedom.
When people talk about 90 percet of malware on Android, they must of course take into account the fact that it’s the most used operating system in the world.
If I had a company dedicated to malware, I would also be targetting Android.
Kasbersky Lab said yesterday that Android accounted for 98% of mobile thread detection. And John Gruber from Daring Fireball acknowledged Google as the new Microsoft:
The old Windows line of defense: Android is so popular of course it has all the malware. For some reason, though, that’s the only sort of software where Android leads iOS in third-party developer support.
Even Apple and the team are aware of the security issues surrounding Android. Phil Schiller sent out tweet last March which pointed towards lack of security on the OS.
It’s becoming hard to deny that Android is less secured than Windows Phone or iOS, and the other way around would have seen it occupy the enterprise sector.
Now coming over to some technical side, Android ships with propriety and open source software, which increase complexities and vulnerabilities. Also, Google’s lack of app screening is sneaking malware into the Play Store, and though the company removes it as soon as finding out, it’s just too late. App Store has a better screening policy, but that doesn’t make it immune to security issues as well.
For example, the SSL bug brought man-in-the-middle attacks vulnerability on iDevices and Macs. Apple responded with iOS 7.0.6/6.1.6, Mavericks 10.9.2 and Apple TV 6.0.2 updates. And 2 days later, the figure rose to 26% of the total North American iOS web traffic.
Apple recently added new features to the suite of enterprise tools, making it securer to manage devices remotely, wirelessly configure profiles and more. The company also updated its iOS Security document, which has details on Touch ID, A7 and Secure Enclave security.
And I say it again, God save Apple :).