JailbreakCon (WWJC) is the only event of its kind: where the iOS jailbreaking community gathers to meet each other in real life and talk about the iOS devices, jailbreak exploits, extensions (tweaks), and themes that we love.
- 9:30 am — Doors open
- 10:00 am — Conference introduction
- 10:15 am — Joshua M. Tucker, “From idea to reality” — concept designer of elegant tweaks including CallBar, Reveal, Abstergo, and Emblem.
- 10:45 am — Steven De Franco (iH8sn0w), developer of a whole collection of useful tools for jailbreakers, including p0sixspwn, sn0wbreeze, and iFaith.
- 11:15 am — Break
- 11:30 am — Filippo Bigarella, “A tale of tweaking” — developer of sophisticated and useful tweaks such as Springtomize, Password Pilot, and CleverPin (website).
- 12:00 pm — Ryan Petrich, developer of literally dozens of amazing tweaks, from Activator to VideoPane and DisplayRecorder (website).
- 12:30 pm — Lunch
- 1:30 pm — Britta Gustafson — Cydia community manager; moderator of JailbreakQA and/r/jailbreak, editor of iPhoneDevWiki.
- 1:45 pm — Kevin Bradley (nitoTV), “Why isn’t the Apple TV 3 jailbroken?” — one of the few and the great Apple TV hacking experts, and a member of Chronic Dev Team.
- 2:15 pm — Thientam Bach (Surenix), “A designer’s perspective” — designer of popular themes including ayecon and ayeris (website).
- 3:00 pm — Break
- 3:15 pm — Cyril Cattiaux (pod2g), “The story behind jailbreaking” — extraordinary iOS hacker, who helped build evasi0n, evasi0n7, Absinthe, Absinthe 2.0, and several other jailbreaks.
- 4:00 pm — winocm, a talented and hardworking software developer with some unusual projects (website).
- 4:15 pm — Jay Freeman (saurik), “Jailbreaking education: Making academia work for you” — the developer of Cydia, Substrate, WinterBoard, and Cycript, and overall a jailbreaking community leader.
- 5:00 pm — Questions and answers
- 5:30 pm — Done! Feel free to stay and chat for a little while (until about 6:00 pm when the conference center closes).
Now if you couldn’t make it to San Francisco, you’ll be happy to learn that today’s event will be livestreamed so you won’t miss one bit of it all…
Here you can watch it live stream from here:
Live streaming video by Ustream
The live video is still off air, so you should wait until it comes around 10 until things goes wild.