For several years, pundits and enthusiasts have been speculating whether Apple would release a smartphone, but with Pebble in the market followed by Sony Smartwatch and Samsung Galaxy gear, Apple will not want rivals to take the lead.
Also noticale is that Google recently showed Android wear- an announcement that is making several companies including Motorola and LG to make new announcement – and if the iWatch didn’t come out this year, Apple would have some catching up to do.
Coming back to the mentioned report in The China Times, the iWatch will also include a SiP (system-in-package) design, which would enable a module to feature different chips. From what has been heard till now, the iWatch will be equipped with several sensors in a manageable wristwatch unit.
Nike, an ally of the Cupertino Company in the tech arena, also laid off a majority of Nike FuelBand staff, and now reports are suggesting that both will collaborate on the iWatch. Given that Samsung is already targeting the sportier lot, Apple may very well follow the line, and with the Healthbook app to be integrated in iOS 8, its clear Apple wants to tap into the wearable market.
What do you think? What are you looking for in a product like iWatch? Feel free to leave comments.
(via ChinaTimes [Translate])