Looks like there will be no shortage for iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak. There was a recent one teased by i0n1c, followed by a one from winocm. Now Yeongjin Jang, a Georgia Tech student, has released a new video which demonstrate the jailbreak. It’s quite impressive, perhaps more than what has been seen so far; his iPhone 5s is jailbroken on the firmware.
It has been confirmed by i0n1c and other sources. Check out the video: Here is the link to the YouTube video. Note that we cannot embed this video as this feature has been disabled by Jang.
What does this mean for all those waiting for the jailbreak?
Nothing at the moment, because there is no indication from Jang about a remote interest in releasing anything. Also, as we’re nearing the WWDC 2014 and the first glimpse of iOS 8, it doesn’t really make any sense to use exploits and search for a jailbreak now, as they can be saved and used to jailbreak iOS 8.
However, the abundance of teasers for these jailbreaks are encouraging for the future. Also, evad3rs have been quite for a while, which might mean they have something up their sleeves.
But… the chances of an iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak being publicly released are quite slim.