Power Tap is a new recently released jailbreak tweak that brings a handful options to the power off slider in iOS 7. The tweak simply allows you to perform respring, reboot, power down, go into safe mode and more from the convenience of the stock iOS power down screen.

The great thing about Power Tap is that it reuses most of the assets already available on the power down screen. The result? A jailbreak tweak that could potentially pass as a stock feature. Check out our video walkthrough of Power Tap after the break.

Once installing Power Tap on your iPhone, go to the tweak settings preference where you can disable/enable the reboot, respring, or safe mode options. You can also add custom text to any of the three custom options, replacing the traditional “slide to…” action phrase.

One you enable the above toggles you will be able to see each of Reboot, respring, switch off, safe mode options on your iPhone. All what you have to do is slide to execute the action.

Power Tap is available free of charge from the BigBoss repo, and it comes with my recommendation. It’s a simple tweak that does something that all jailbreakers need to do once and a while, and best of all, its implementation is subtle.

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