Have you ever wanted to control the audio in any app you download ? Probably you want to try EqualizerEveryWhere, it is a new recently released jailbreak tweak that promises to make it possible to adjust audio in any app.

 If you’re someone who listens to a variety of different audio types on the iPhone, and you’re looking for a way to customize sound based on the type of audio, this is a tweak that you should definitely investigate.

Check it out in the action:

After installing the tweak, you’ll find a new preference panel in the stock Settings app dedicated to EqualizerEverywhere. The preferences contain your standard kill-switch toggle, a toggle for displaying the equalizer in Control Center, a group of presets, and the equalizer itself.

Users can choose to adjust the equalizer settings within the tweak’s preferences, but you’d be better off doing so from Control Center. While music is playing, swipe from right to left on the audio controls to reveal the same equalizer that’s found in the preferences. You can swipe once more to access the same list of presets as well.

Users have the option of adjusting the equalizer settings and then creating custom presets based off of the current adjustments. You can give your custom preset its own name, and quickly access it on the fly from the tweak’s preferences or from Control Center.

If you’re an audiophile, or even if you just want to have more fine-grained control over your listening experience, then EqualizerEverywhere is a tweak that’s worth your time. It’s a little pricey at $3.00, so if the idea of having an equalizer that you can adjust on the fly is never something that occurred to you, chances are you probably wouldn’t use it enough or be interested in it enough to justify the investment.

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