It is said that Apple is working on a 5.5-inch iPhone 6, which means a larger screen size.. Earlier today a series of tweets from the iOS developer Steve Stroughton-Smith shared his findings surrounding Apple’s iOS Simulator running stock apps at the screen size of the purported 5.5-inch iPhone 6, with dimensions of 736 points x 414 points (1472 x 828 at 2x or 2208 x 1242 at 3x).

When you use landscape mode, you’ll find certain stock iOS 8 apps like Calendar, calculator, Contacts, Game Center, display contents in a divided mode very similar to the layout an iPad uses while in landscape.

These findings indicate that the larger, 5.5-inch iPhone 6 could have a stronger focus on productivity than its smaller 4.7- and 4-inch counterparts. Despite apps functioning normally while in portrait mode, this addition of dividing the landscape app view to display two separate menus would introduce a strong motivation for purchasing the 5.5-inch device over its more manageable companion.

After receiving much criticism over the small, 3.5-inch and 4-inch screen sizes of its phones, Apple is now set to release two considerably large devices, predicted to have 4.7- and 5.5-inch displays, respectively, although the latter may not be released until later this year.

What do you think guys ?

[Steve Stroughton-Smith via 9to5mac]


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