We’ve seen different ways to destroy your lovely new iPhone by dropping it in front of cameras. But what hasn’t been seen yet, is this crazy guy who “professionally microwaves” his gold-plated iPhone 6 Plus after unboxing it..

Meet artist Kenny Irwin who got his hands on gold-plated iPhone 6 Plus, after uboxing it with the help of his dad, and then subsequently aimed to make the large iPhone a bright star on the Internet for a whole different reason: by making it explode in a microwave. He has recorded the whole thing, and he’s offering the mini-documentary as an added bonus for anyone who forks over the asking price of this melted and scorched iPhone 6 Plus on eBay.

This is the picture of the iPhone 6 Plus after being microwaved…

That hurts !
Now I am going to leave you guys with the six minutes video: 

What do you think guys ?

I really don’t know what is wrong with people in these days ! They are going crazy than usual.

[via Business Insider]


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