Later yesterday, Apple released the first beta of iOS 8.1 to the developers which comes with various updates and bugs fixes for iPhone/iPad and iPod Touch. Earlier today, Hamza Sood the well known iOS developer has just tweeted screenshots from iOS 8.1, which reveals some interesting details.

The above screenshot shows a new settings pane for Apple Pay feature that will be available in Passbook app. The new discovered pane for Apple pay will gives the user the chance to add a new credit or debit card, set a credit or debit card as default, access billing and shipping address, email address and phone. When you click on the Apple Pay and Privacy link, it provides information about the things that will be sent to Apple and provided by Apple to the card issuer and payment network for verification and fraud detection.

It is also included that Apple Watch include NFC that will allow users to make payments at over 220,000 retail outlets in the U.S. using Touch ID and also in apps supporting Apple Pay. Apple has said that it will launch Apple Pay in October, so it does look like iOS 8.1 will be the software update to include the feature. Apple is yet to enable these settings for Apple Pay for developers, but we expect it to be enabled when it is released to the public.

Among all of these great things, Hamza found a new code string in iOS 8.1 that seems to suggest that the next generation iPads will include support for Touch ID.

Pay with iPad using Touch ID. With Apple Pay, you no longer need to type card numbers and shipping information.

 So what do you think ?



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