According to new rumors, reported by AppleInsider , Apple TV could launch a “smart” by the end of the year. According to analysts, this is a new device and not a second generation of the Apple TV.

According to analyst Bryan White there would be new and interesting news for fans of the bitten apple. Apparently, in fact, Apple would be ready to submit your TV, a new device with new features and smart features that went well beyond the current features offered by Apple TV
” The powerful combination of the Apple ecosystem, the smart industrial design, the powerful brand product categories and the ability to reinvent the Cupertino company could make a powerful player in the production of television . “These are the words of ‘ analyst added that ” Apple is developing this project much more quickly than anyone could think up some time ago “ .
Indeed it is not the first time we hear rumors about the involvement of the Apple TV for HD can connect to the Internet. In fact, some time ago, the analyst Gene Munster predicted the launch of a product with similar features and a price around $ 2000. A device that would, according to the analyst, can provide wide access to multimedia content available on iTunes and through a subscription in fact render unnecessary the current satellite televisions and VCRs.
We’ll see in the coming months which will be the strategy of Cupertino and especially if it is actually launched an amazing new device.


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