Apple has updated its App Store support page to show the percentage of iOS-based devices running on iOS 7, iOS 8 and earlier versions. Apple’s latest update shows a strong milestone for the newest OS.
On Thursday, October 28, Apple’s App Store support page reflected iOS 8’s adoption has reached more than half of all active iOS devices on the market. To be specific, as the graphic shows above, iOS 8 is now reported on 52 percent of all active iOS devices, while iOS 7 is at 43%. To compare, on October 16, iOS 8 was still holding steady at 48% of installed and active iOS devices. At the beginning of October, iOS 8 was sitting steadily at 47 percent.
This is a great milestone for Apple, more than half of active iOS devices now running on iOS 8 and I think this is because of pangu jailbreak.. Am I right ?
[via Apple]