After receiving a huge update to support iOS 7, CallBar has just received another new update to support iOS 8 jailbroken devices, alongside the support for both iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus devices. CallBar is a tweak that makes it possible to make and take calls from anywhere on your device, even while engaged in using another app.

CallBar is a great jailbreak tweak for those of you who feel that iOS’ stock calling features are intrusive. Have a look inside at our video walkthrough for more information on what makes this tweak a must-have.

Since this update doesn’t add any new features to the mix, outside of a new option to answer calls using the CallBar menu while on the Lock screen, the iOS 7 video above still largely applies. Check it out for a detailed overview on CallBar and its features.

But the great thing is that the tweak now works on Apple’s new devices like the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

CallBar is consistently one of my favorite tweaks that I use with my jailbroken phone. It’s a good example of what happens when a good designer—Joshua Tucker—meets a developer who’s handy with the code—Elias Limneos.

The new update is available for free for those who already purchased the tweak, if you didn’t buy it, you will have to purchase it for $3.99 from Cydia store via BigBOss repo…


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