Just few minutes ago, Saurik (aka Jay Freeman) has tweeted that Cydia has been updated with it’s second feature name as “Cydia Theme Center”.Right now, you will find a selection of themes from the top selling vendors in Cydia, as well as themes selected by the employees of MacCiti and ModMyi.

The update allows users to check the store for previously purchased apps and packages as well as implementing a new database. It’s this database that means users will be able to browse featured themes and download them in either standard or Retina Display-optimized versions.

The theme center is a collobration between Saurik and MacCiti and has been implemented using the new Cydia “whole package index”. Mr Jay Free man has also said that he is not the incharge of Theme Center and MacCiti/ModMyi will be taking care of it. Users can see update after every two weeks (not twice a week). Currently users can only browse selection of themes from the top selling vendors as well as the themes selected by the employees of MacCiti and ModMyi.

Currently, all the nominations for additional featured themes, regardless of the repository they are hosted in, must be send to either MacCiti or ModMyi (but not Saurik). However, Cydia 1.1, whose release is imminent, provides the additional paltform hooks required to allow nominations directly from users to Saurik.

A major release of WinterBoard has also been promised from Saurik as soon as the Cydia 1.1 will be out. All the artists from the theme community has been requested to leave valuable feedback on IRC: /join #winterboard on irc.saurik.com

All in all, it’s a great addition to the Cydia store and one that show’s Freeman’s continued support of the jailbreak scene. With the advent of the App Store and then the relaxations of some iOS limitations many thought jailbreaking would lose its appeal.
Source: thetechjournal.com & redmondpie.com.

imp0rtant Fr0m Redsn0w.us:



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