On Tuesday, January 27, Apple announced its official first quarter 2015 earnings, and afterwards revealed individual details that ultimately lifted those incredibly high numbers.

While on the conference call following the quarterly earnings report, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook revealed that the company, as a whole, as sold more than 1 billion iOS devices to date. According to Cook, this impressive milestone was reached in the month of December, thanks to the help of the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch lineups. Of course, reaching 74.5 million iPhones sold in the first quarter of 2015 doesn’t hurt.

Billion iOS devices shipped!!

— Philip Schiller (@pschiller) January 27, 2015

Cook noted the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus saw the highest demand of any iPhone launch ever. Apple sold on average 34,000 devices per hour over the Christmas quarter. This demand was helped by the widest release net as well, seeing the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus launch in a total of 130 countries.

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