Apple’s latest OS X El Capitan beta, which was seeded to registered developers on Monday, includes yet more references to a 21.5-inch iMac with a 4K display. The discovery comes days after a reliable analyst reported that Apple will refresh its iMac lineup this quarter.

Consomac found references to three new display panels, two 5K panels and a 4K display.

Where “ae0b” files and “ae07” allow the management of two new iMac with Retina display 5K, the “A032” file contains smaller screen definitions, corresponding to a Retina display with 4K Apple even provides the icon (confirming in passing that the design of the iMac in 2015 will remain unchanged). A reference to the 1552 Provider (“DisplayVendorID” => 1552) finally suggests that future iMacs would integrate the brand Samsung slabs.

Fans of 21.5-inch iMac have good reason to be excited, then.

Coupled with the recent report from KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, it’s looking very likely Apple will unveil a 21.5-inch 4K iMac this quarter. In addition to an improved display, the machine is expected to bring faster Intel processors. 


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