60 Minutes on Friday shared a one minute clip from its upcoming interview with Apple CEO Tim Cook. In the preview, Charlie Rose asks for Cook’s thoughts regarding Apple’s congressional tax hearing, which found the company to be engaged in a “sophisticated scheme” to avoid taxes on its $74 billion held overseas.

“That is total political crap,” Cook says. “There is no truth behind it. Apple pays every tax dollar we owe.” He explains that Apple does a lot of business overseas, which is why a lot of its revenues are overseas, and although the company would like to bring that cash back to the United States, it would cost 40% to do so.
Cook will also talk about encryption and terrorism, a topic that, while already heated months ago, is still a burning topic for the Cupertino-based company as it focuses on encryption for its platform. Several different groups across the board are trying to get Apple to change this policy in one way or another, including leaving “backdoors” in its software so that, when requested upon, Apple could discern the information without the owner.
Apple believes, and has repeated, that leaving a backdoor for official agencies would only leave a backdoor for criminals, too, and with that in mind has remained steadfast in its decision to use encryption.
Mr. Rose will also be talking with Apple design chief Jony Ive, from inside his secret design lab, and retail head Angela Ahrendts, who has given Rose a tour of a concept design for future Apple retail stores.


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