Cydia Apps and Tweaks, There are a countless number of Apps and tweaks on Cydia and more are developed every day. Checj this video that shows the Top 30 Cydia Apps/Teaks In 2011.

Top 30 List:

  1. Tab+
  2. Mutilconmover
  3. Infiniboard
  4. Infinidock
  5. SBSettings
  6. Alphacon
  7. Android Delete
  8. Graviboard
  9. Grid Lock
  10. Animate Battery
  11. Winterboard
  12. Flipover
  13. List Launcher
  14. Cy Delete
  15. Folder Enhancer
  16. Pull to Refresh Safari
  17. RetinaPad
  18. Barrel
  19. Camera Wallpaper
  20. icon renamer
  21. double tap to open
  22. Pagenames
  23. iSwipe
  24. Stayopened
  25. iTypeappleicon
  26. retina app icons
  27. page pusher
  28. Bytafont
  29. AndroidLock XT
  30. Insomnia

Most of these apps and tweaks can be found under these repos:



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