All what we can say and guarantee Facebook will never charge users to use its service for money, these is due to:
1st reason, because Facebook doesn’t need the money as it got around $4 billion in 2011, and has raised more than $2 billion in venture capital. It’s also on track to go public in 2012, a move that would bring in significantly more capital for the company and value it at between $80 billion and $100 billion.
2nd reason, Facebook has found ways to profit directly from its users through Facebook Credits, a form of currency that can be used on the site in social games like FarmVille and Mafia Wars.
3rd reason, Facebook will find additional ways to monetize, by growing its credit system to become a rival to PayPal, extending its ad platform beyond the social network itself and onto the wider Web in order to compete with Google’s AdSense.
4th reason, there is an increasing number of merchants are starting to sell their wares directly on the social networking site.
In addition, the one thing that all of these models have in common is that they need a critical mass of users to be successful. Facebook has that, and would never risk losing it by charging people for basic access to the tools that make its multi-billion dollar business work.
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