Three days ago, DigiTimes, the source of a lot of Apple rumors, claimed that Apple will be releasing two iPads next year. the first will be dubbed” iPad 2S” and the second is the “iPad 3”.

The iPad 3 is said to feature an A6-chip as well as a 2084×1526 Retina Display. Today DigiTimes published yet another iPad 3-related report claiming that Apple will be using a dual LED backlight for its new Retina Display because the single LED light bar used in the iPad 2 can’t provide enough brightness for the high-resolution panel.

Sources told DigiTimes:

With the next-generation iPads expected to adopt LCD panels with resolutions higher than 2048 by 1536, the current single LED light bar designed for the iPad 2 has to be modified in order to maintain or strengthen the brightness of the panels, the sources explained.

The solutions on the table for the new Retina Display are a single-bar form factor with two LED chips and the other is dual-LED light bars, one on the left side and the other is on the right side of the display. Apparently Apple opted for the second solution as vendors have solved the heat dissipation and battery consumption issues.


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