The Siri proxy creative usages are fascinating. We saw Siri controlling your Wi-Fi enabled thermostat, Starting and locking your car. We have shortly after seen the first Siri-controlled app on the App store and now it gets more and more exciting.

We have a new project today which is using SiriProxy with a home automation system activated with voice. Mark Hodder combined the SiriProxy with ioBridge and X10 widgets. ioBridge is a platform that allows you to web-enable your projects. Mark uses it to control the appliances throughout his home. 

Holder set up the server, using Siri`s custom commands, to trigger ioBridge to send custom commands to his web-enabled devices. The server set up is directed at specific functions: turning the devices on and off.

We have no detailed description of Hodder`s server system, but we do know that he used a MacBook to run the Siri proxy and PHP server to setup the commands and responses. He mentions that Windows can be used instead. However, the process won`t be easy.

Once installed you can control your web-enabled devices using Siri. You can even chain events with one command. If you ask Siri to turn off your Christmas lights, for example, a PHP script could be programmed to turn off the deck lights and a tree.

Check out the video:


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