A short while ago, a completely redesigned iPhone Twitter app was released bringing new features like the Home, Connect, Discover and Me features. Some users were not very satisfied with the update saying that this version brought more button-tapping to arrive at what they want and they didn’t like the new old features grouping under headings.

If you are one of those bemused users then checkout Tweetbot-a popular Twitter app for the iPhone which comes with a brilliant user interface.

Tweetbot includes the following new features:

  • Multiple Timelines. Quickly switch between your lists as your main timeline.
  • Smart Gestures. Use Twitter more efficiently with time-saving and configurable gestures.
  • Native Push Notifications.
  • Customizable Navigation. The last 2 tabs are customizable and unused tabs are easily accessible.
  • Support for multiple services like Read it Later, Instapaper, Cloudapp URL Shortening.
  • Save drafts, add locations and POI’s, attach photos and videos, manage your lists, and much more.

Here’re some of the gestures that you can use in the app:

  • Just swipe to the right to view a conversation thread
  • Swipe to the right to view replies to a tweet.
  • Double-tapping a Tweet, Link, or Avatar in your timeline takes you to their respective details.
  • Tapping and holding those elements gives you options.
  • You can also configure triple-tap to reply-to, fave, retweet, or even translate a tweet.

The app is available on the app store for $0.99 instead of $2.99. Get it NOW.

You can also Check this video:



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