In November of last year, the Chronic Dev Team issued a blog post in which they explained to us to finding exploits needed for developing a jailbreak really works .We learned that whenever an iOS devices crashes, a crash report is automatically generated and sent silently to Apple via iTunes to help patch up the exploits.
Jailbreaking works on these exploits and vulnerabilities in an iOS which hackers use to create their bug. So if Apple keeps patching things up, this will make the hackers job way harder and that`s why the developers developed a software which sends these reports to private servers instead of Apple`s servers helping by then in making Apple`s job harder and hackers job easier.

This software which was released by the Chronic Dev Team [P0sixninja] is called CDevReporter and it is available for both Windows and Mac machines. The tool used to work on a single iOS device via iTunes collecting, like we said, reports and sending them to the Chronic Dev Team for investigation.

Thanks to developer Luke Young, the jailbreak tool is now made available for iOS devices for those who want to help but can’t actively participate in connecting their device to iTunes and uploading crash reports.


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