Chipmaker Qualcomm has unveiled a new chip that supports both 3G and 4G. The Company has released today the fifth generation of its popular gobi line: MDM9615 (and the 9125). The chip supports several wireless technologies: LTE, HSPA, EV-DO, CDMA, TD-SCDMA, and TD-LTE.
The chip could be the one Apple is using in the iPad 3 and it might appear in a future iPhone. If that`s indeed the chip Apple is using, then that would mean the fruit company would finally offer its products on China Mobile, the carrier that has over 600 million wireless subscribers and uses obscure SCDMA and TD-LTE technology. That chip may open the door between China Mobile and Apple.
We still cant be sire if that`s indeed the chip Apple is using or if it`s going to bring LTE in the first place. However, this chip makes room for more speculation until an official announcement which is expected to fall on March 7th.